
Dear Guest,
the Management and Staff of the Holiday Home Saint Paul Relais thanks you for your stay and, in giving you a cordial welcome, wants to make you aware of the regulations in force. We therefore ask you to carefully read the rules and rules of conduct that each guest must assume in order not to disturb or damage others and the environment. For the purpose of a good coexistence we ask you to observe not only the rules dictated by the law but also those simply dictated by common sense and mutual respect.

This Regulation is an integral part of the Booking Form, for anything not explicitly mentioned, reference is made to the regulations in force and to the common sense of each in the interest of all.

Check-in & Check-out

• Customers are required to deliver their identity document for identification upon arrival
• For reasons of Public Security, guests are not allowed to let other people access the rooms at any time, subject to authorization to Reception and presentation of an identity document
• Check-In is permitted from 2.00pm on the day of arrival (unless otherwise indicated) and Check-Out is expected by 10.00am on the day of departure.
• Any late Check-out must be agreed in advance with the Reception.

Children & minors

• Parents (or whoever legally exercises parental authority) are jointly responsible for the acts performed by their minor children inside the Saint Paul Relais and are required to supervise them, not to leave them alone in the rooms and in the various environments and to ensure that they keep a behavior that in no way damages the tranquility of others, in particular, as regards the obligation to respect silence, the correct use of the bathrooms and the equipment made available by the Structure to its Guests.
• Adults are responsible for the behavior of minors in their care. Minors not accompanied by their parents or by a responsible adult must show a photocopy of a parental identity document with relative authorization in free form signed.


• Cleaning (internal and external environments) and ozone sanitization of the villa (internal environments) is carried out at the end of each stay.

Dogs and small animals

• The property does not allow pets.

Damages & Stolen

• Who causes damage to the building, movable property, equipment, etc. is held legally responsible for it under current regulations. Intentional theft and damage will be immediately reported. Upon departure, the staff of the structure checks the rooms and the costs for the replacement of any damage or loss of keys are charged to the relative guest, the amounts will be calculated based on the damage caused.
• It is forbidden to bring outside the Saint Paul Relais anything found in the rooms, bathrooms or in any case in the premises of the building, the value of the stolen objects will be charged to the guest.


• Guests are required to respect the rules posted in the pool area and the times of access to it. 
• It is forbidden to swim in the pool at night.

Noises & Rest

• Behavior, activities, games and use of equipment that disturb other guests must be avoided at any time within the structure,
especially in the time slots 11 pm – 8 am and 2 pm – 4 pm hours when rest is expected. Please do not slam the doors but accompany them.

Security & Values

• The management of the Saint Paul Relais is not responsible for the shortage of objects and / or valuables of the guests.

Medical and Infectious Diseases

• The telephone numbers of the medical guard and the emergency service can be requested at the Reception.
• Any infectious disease must be reported to the Management.
• A first aid kit is available in each bag

Last update: 23 settembre 2023

@ 2020-  ICT GROUP S.R.L. Tutti i diritti riservati